In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring the security of software applications is paramount. The OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) provides organizations with a structured framework to assess and enhance their software security practices. To effectively implement SAMM, organizations can leverage SAMMY, a comprehensive management tool developed by Codific.
Understanding OWASP SAMM
OWASP SAMM is an open framework designed to help organizations formulate and implement a strategy for software security tailored to their specific risks. It enables organizations to evaluate existing software security practices, build a balanced software security assurance program, demonstrate concrete improvements, and define and measure security-related activities throughout the organization.
Introducing SAMMY
SAMMY was initially created as a management tool for OWASP SAMM assessments. Over time, it has evolved into a comprehensive platform that supports an organization’s entire secure software development and application security management program. SAMMY offers extensive support for various models, allowing organizations to seamlessly manage compliance, security, and maturity standards in one place. It also provides mappings between different frameworks, helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of regulations with ease.
Key Features of SAMMY
1. Framework Support: SAMMY supports a wide range of security and quality management frameworks, including OWASP SAMM, ISO 27001, NIST SP 800-34, NIST Secure Software Development Framework (NIST SSDF), and more. This flexibility allows organizations to tailor their security programs to specific needs and compliance requirements.
2. Assessment and Improvement: SAMMY enables organizations to evaluate their current security posture, identify gaps, and create a baseline. It facilitates the development of improvement roadmaps, whether the focus is on compliance or security, and supports the implementation and tracking of improvement plans.

3. Mapping Between Frameworks: SAMMY provides mappings between various frameworks, including standard mappings through OpenCRE, high-quality direct mappings, and transitive mappings. This feature helps organizations align their security practices with multiple standards and regulations efficiently.
4. User-Friendly Interface: The platform offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of security assessments, improvement plans, and compliance tracking. It allows for role-based access, enabling collaboration among team members and stakeholders.
Getting Started with SAMMY
Organizations interested in leveraging SAMMY can start by registering on the platform. While SAMMY is a free tool, registration is required to ensure the privacy and security of user data. After registration, users can explore the various features, conduct assessments, and develop improvement plans tailored to their organization’s needs.

Implementing a robust software security assurance program is crucial in today’s digital environment. By utilizing SAMMY in conjunction with OWASP SAMM, organizations can systematically assess, measure, manage, and improve their security posture, ensuring the development and maintenance of secure software applications.