Congrats Anna Zhmurko on Successful OSCP Certification!
Anna Zhmurko is OSCP certified now! OSCP is one of the few certifications that requires evidence of practical penetration testing skills.
Anna Zhmurko is OSCP certified now! OSCP is one of the few certifications that requires evidence of practical penetration testing skills.
Everything you should know about cybersecurity strategy of Ukraine for 2021-2025 at NoNameCon from Kostiantyn Korsun! Read more.
Andriy Varusha provided an overview of the Polish cyber threat landscape and significant security incidents related to state and business sectors at NoNameCon.
Berezha Security Group will be a partner of NoNameCon cybersecurity conference for the fourth time in a row on the 2nd and 3rd of September!
We are happy to announce the BSG web application pentester training opening this autumn 2021. Sign up now!
Andriy Varusha, a co-founder & CSO at BSG is officially CISSP certified now to manage evolving cyber threats of any organization.
Do you still believe a small business is unimportant target of cybersecurity attacks? Learn more about top 5 common security misconceptions.
If you operate a small business, it doesn’t mean you can`t be attacked. Go through our 10 steps to protect your business from cyberattacks.
Berezha Security has rebranded to BSG and we are happy to present our new identity, which reflects our company’s philosophy and values we carry in the world.
На вебінарі ми розвінчаємо основні міфи про кібербезпеку та поговоримо про практичні кроки з побудови ефективної системи кіберзахисту вашого бізнесу.